After giving birth, a woman needs to recover, both physically and emotionally. Amid the excitement of taking care of your new baby's needs, you must not forget to take care of yourself. This means getting adequate rest and proper nutrition, as well as finding quality time just for you. Here are six ways to ensure a healthy body, mind, and soul after your pregnancy.
1. Be Prepared for Discomfort
Many women experience postpartum pain or cramping following the birth of a baby. These pains are sometimes referred to as afterpains. The pain is caused by spasms or contractions of the uterus, while it is shrinking back to its size before pregnancy. You may feel the cramping for a few days.
Your doctor may recommend pain relievers such as ibuprofen. In addition, you might try using a warm heating pad on your abdomen. Ask your doctor for prescription strength pain relievers if over-the-counter medications and a heating pad do not provide relief.
2. Don't Skimp on Sleep
After the arrival of your newborn, you may have a hard time getting a full night's sleep for a while. However, it is important to get your rest after childbirth. Try to maintain a regular sleeping schedule. If possible, take mini-naps while the baby is asleep.
If you are having a tough time getting adequate sleep, then ask your partner or another trusted individual to help you. Also, if you have other children, share the caretaking responsibilities with your partner or a relative. This is not the time to go it alone.
3. Ditch the Junk Food and Eat Healthily
You'll need to regain your strength after childbirth, and proper nutrition can help ensure just that. Try to avoid refined sugar and processed foods. Start eating lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein choices. Also, ask your doctor if you should be taking a vitamin supplement.
4. Ask Your Doctor About Postpartum Exercises
To keep in shape and help you recover after childbirth, ask your doctor when you should start exercising. Your doctor may recommend postpartum exercises for you to do. You should also get outside in the fresh air and take a walk whenever possible. A walk can help clear your mind and keep you fit.
However, your health care provider may recommend waiting several weeks before beginning any postpartum exercises. Ask about pelvic strengthening exercises or Kegels. If you are feeling well enough to do push-ups, then this exercise may also be beneficial. Remember to start slowly and then gradually increase the intensity of your exercise program.
5. Find Time for You
Taking care of your newborn is a full-time job, but it is important to set aside some quality time just for yourself each day. If you fail to take time out to relax, then you may become burned out or be more likely to suffer from anxiety or depression.
Do things you enjoy, even only for an hour or two, every day. Go to a movie or shopping with your friends. Treat yourself to a new hairstyle at the salon. Listen to music, soak in the tub, or just chill and relax.
6. Keep Visitors to a Minimum
Following the birth of your child, it's natural to receive visitors who want to welcome the new arrival. However, an influx of visitors to your home can also be overwhelming. Too much activity may tire you out and wear you down. For this reason, it is best to limit the visitors to immediate family for a while.
Follow the above tips for postpartum health and recovery. Remember to consult with your health care provider
before beginning physical activities or exercises after childbirth.